Integrated Assessment of Oecd Member Countries Global Development in the Context of Global Governance


The paper substantiates the essence and specificity of applying the system for assessment of global social development, based on the Global Governance concept. It emphasizes the need to form a system of global development indicators and to elaborate an indicator that could characterize global development in terms of its current condition, dynamics, and its capacity to exert a regulating impact on the global development in different countries of the world, to be used for determining strategic guidelines of the national statesƒ?? development. An original approach has been proposed to measure a balanced development on the basis of an aggregate index ƒ?? an integrated global development index which got the name of Global Index GI-10. The possibilities of using GI-10 as a global development indicator, taking the OECD countries as an example, are discussed premised on a correlation between socio-humanitarian, and economic and technological components in order to achieve the relevant coordinated global objectives. The results of integrated assessment of the OECD countries development testify to a high overall development index of this organization, which indicates the efficiency of the Global Governanc?æ performance indicator at the level of inter-state associations under the transformational conditions.


global development indicators global governance Global Index ƒ?? GI-10 integrated index of global development OECD member countries.

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 11-26

  • Classification

    JEL Code: F63