Parental Negligence, Street Children and Rehabilitation in Amma Darko’s Faceless


Street children have become a common scene in most African cities and towns. The causes for this ranges from poverty to parental negligence and religion among others. This paper evaluates and analyses Amma Darko’s Faceless in her portrayal of Ghanaian society which is a microcosm of any other African country. Employing the content analysis based method of research, the paper criticizes the irresponsibility of parents who send their children on the street to eke a living for themselves and their families. These researches examine the negative effects of such practices in term of abuses, juvenile delinquency and the role of government and non- governmental organizations (NGOs) in rehabilitating such children. The paper concludes with a call on African governments to harness their natural and human endowments to move then continent on the path of development.


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    English, Array-Array