Author’s Copyright Policy

Great Britain Journals Press

Preamble Lo and behold, authors, scholars, visionaries, and illuminators of the intellect! You stand upon the threshold of embarking upon an ineffable journey with Great Britain Journals Press (hereinafter referred to as “GBJP,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). As keepers of the academic grail and guardians of the scholarly realm, it befits us to cultivate a verdant garden of thoughts—a proverbial Eden that thrives within the interstices of ink and bytes.

But hark! What symphony of symbols and syntactic incantations would be complete without the guidance of a spellbook—a codex—outlining the sacred rites of copyright and intellectual proprietorship?

Article 1: Copyright Ownership

Section 1.1

Upon the mystical moment of manuscript acceptance, but before publication, the Author (hereinafter referred to as “you”) shall transfer, convey, and otherwise transmit the manuscript’s copyright to GBJP, in all its resplendent complexity. This deed shall manifest through a Copyright Transfer Agreement, a talisman to be invoked by legal signatures.
Section 1.2
However, worry not! We shall bestow upon you certain immutable rights as the Original Creator (the capitalization here is imperative!), so that your intellectual seeds may continue to sprout across the scholarly savannah.

Article 2: Author’s Retained Rights
Section 2.1

You shall retain the non-exclusive right to use your manuscript in a manner akin to the frolicking of academic nymphs around the proverbial olive tree, specifically:
• Sharing of preprints
• Use in educational endeavors
• I’d like to point out that inclusion in your opus vitae or future scholarly treatises provided the original publication is cited in accordance with the Rubric of Citation, a hallowed scroll available upon request.

Article 3: Permissions
Section 3.1

Third parties seeking to wade in the rippling pools of your wisdom, expressed within the article, must be able to tell us what we need to do. The veneration of your work, through reproductions, anthologies, or adaptations, must be conducted under the auspices of our gracious consent.

Article 4: Warranties and Duties

Section 4.1

As the Author, I would like to tell you that the manuscript is an effusion of your own creative faculties and is not encumbered by malevolent spirits of plagiarism or infringements of otherworldly or otherworldly entities.
Section 4.2

We shall defend the ramparts of your intellectual fortress, utilizing legal mechanisms (e.g., copyright law, sorcery, intellectual property databases) against unauthorized usage that encroaches upon your manuscript, albeit under our jurisdiction.

Article 5: Conclusion

Thus, here lies the labyrinthine yet tantalizing text of our Author’s Copyright Policy. May it serve as a compass guiding you through the arcane seas of legalities and responsibilities, ensuring that your contributions to the pantheon of knowledge are shepherded with care, ethics, and just a touch of divine ambiguity.

For queries, clarifications, or an interpretation of this mystifying document, you are encouraged to reach out to our Copyright Oracle at copyright @

In Scholarship and Perplexity,

Great Britain Journals Press