Definition of Energy Poverty in India


There are several definitions of poverty in India both income-based poverty definition and consumption-based poverty definition. The vital nature of study on energy poverty comes from Income poverty, i.e. how to measure energy poverty. Income poverty is usually based on measure of minimum consumption of food and non-food items necessary to sustain life 1 . The average energy consumption of households falling within 10% range of official economic poverty line have been considered to determine energy poverty line. It is worthwhile to note that in ƒ??poverty lineƒ?? approach, an energy-poor lies below the cut-off 2 . Poor People are Energy Poor and has low income, low energy consumption and no access, or limited access, to modern energy fuel. Poverty rates are typically higher in rural areas, meaning that approximately three out of four persons categorized as poor live in a rural zones 3


Consumption based Poverty Energy Poverty Energy Poverty Line. Income based Poverty

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    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

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    English, 63-64

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    JEL CODE: 149999