Investigating the Vertical Stiffness on Railway Track Performance


An important factor affecting the behavior of railway tracks is contamination of ballast material. In desert and wilderness areas, elasticity characteristics of railway ballast layer reduce and consequently rigidity of railway track is increased. This phenomenon has destructive effects on the railway lines especially railway sleeper and it could cause break and damage of railway sleeper. In this paper, the process of increased stiffness of track due to ballast fouling on sleeper behavior is investigated. Moreover, in this paper the effect of variable track stiffness on railway sleeper is studied. Also, displacement, velocity and acceleration of railway sleeper due to MD36 train with various speeds are studied.


constant and variable stiffness desert area. railway sleeper

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

  • Language & Pages

    English, 13-24

  • Classification

    For Code: 861304