Student’s Expectations about Library Services of National Library of Engineering Sciences (NLES); A Survey


The study focused on Student’s Expectations about Library Services of National Library of Engineering Sciences (NLES); University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore. The purpose was to find out student’s expectations about library resources and services, accessibilities, library environment, information sources and facilitate library staff. Using the descriptive assessment design the population for the study consisted of all registered library users in the National Library of Engineering Sciences (NLES); University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore main campus. The study employed the probability simple method and stratified random sampling technique in selecting the sample size 10% for the study, and with a questionnaire data were collected. The level of students expectation was assessed through 5 point Lickert Scale and in the analysis SPSS v.22.0, these scores were measured and tabulated as mean score and total score.


Expectation resources. Library service quality Library user's satisfaction User's expectation User's satisfaction

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    English, Array-Array