Study on Teacher’s Culture of Engaging themselves in Reflective Activities in Some Selected Preparatory Schools, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State


The purpose of this study was to explore teacher’s culture of engaging themselves in reflective activities in some selected Preparatory schools, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State. Two research approaches- qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed. With this respect, teachers and directors were the sources of data for the study. The data gathering instruments were questionnaires, interviews and observations; where, questionnaire was the principal tool for data collection. The questionnaires were dispatched to 70 teachers, and interviews were made with 7 directors and 24 teachers who were drawn from 7 preparatory schools. Simple random sampling technique was used to draw the seven sample preparatory schools and school teachers for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to include school directors. Classes for observation were made based on the schedule of each school with the consent made with the subject teachers. All the population for interview were made with teachers of 2018/19 who had participated in filling the questionnaire. The data obtained through questionnaires were quantitatively analyzed and interpreted in light of available literature whereas the information obtained through interview and observation were qualitatively described to supplement the quantitative data. The results of this study revealed that teachers were not preparing lessons that involve the students in their lesson. On top of that teachers were not reflect their own lesson delivery right after the classes. Thus, researchers have forwarded these recommendations- teachers should prepare lesson plan before they join classes so that they would get an opportunity to see how far they were able to implement what they have planned ahead of the class through reflecting what actually happened in the class visa vis what they hadp lanned. Educational bureau of the region, in general, the school administration in particular should make a close and continues discussion and follow up on teachers to check whether they are honestly carrying out their professional responsibility. Key words: teacher’s culture, reflective activities, engagement


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    English, Array-Array