Alternative to the Maxwell Equations


Based on the law of conservation and transformation of energy in nonequilibrium multivariate systems, maxwell-like equations of the processes of mutual transformation of force fields are found that do not require any hypotheses and postulates and cover a wider range of phenomena. The equations do not contain field operators and are extremely simple. Their application allows us to overcome the limited nature of Maxwell's equations by closed currents and also fields of vector nature, and are free from a number of inherent contradictions. The tensor nature of magnetic fields and the ability of the moment of Lorentz forces to do work are proved. The meaning of the vector magnetic potential as a function of the speed of rotation of the charge is revealed and the presence of a divergent component of a scalar nature is revealed. The necessity of taking into account the convective components of the bias currents is shown, and the applicability of maxwell-like equations to gravitational fields is substantiated.


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Dr. Etkin Valeriy Abramovich