Effects of Household Characteristics on Effective use of Modes of Transport in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania


This study employs correlation research design. Simple statistical analytical methods such as linear correlation and cross-tabulation were applied to determine relationships between household characteristics variables and travel attributes. On the other hand, comparisons were made to determine the difference between house vehicle ownership and proportions of using motorized and non-motorized transport. The overall findings indicated that, trips made by individual household for work, school, shopping and recreation by using private cars are positively associated with household employees, vehicle ownerships and income, while trip made for the same purposes by public transport are negatively associated with household employees, but positively associated with unemployed adults. Walking and cycling trips for the mentioned purposes are negatively associated with household employees, vehicle ownerships and income but positively associated with school going children and unemployed adults. Findings also indicated the great increase of population and household automobile ownerships and unbelievable proportions between using motorized and non-motorized transport. The proportion of using motorized transport has increased by 27 percent while using non-motorized decreased at the same percentages. The effects of land use change on travel decisions are turned out to be more significant for the reason that, the proportions for vehicle use rose beyond the values presented in the Urban Transport Planning Manual which were also applied in transport forecasting of the study area. At the same time, the rates of vehicle ownership and vehicle trips generated by the household are extremely high while the attitudes of using other alternative modes of transport are tremendously low.


Household characteristics modes of transport travel behaviour

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  • Language & Pages

    English, 7-18

  • Classification

    FOR Code: 150799