First Report of the Effects of Smoking, Mumps and Urogenital Infection on the Quality of Human Spermatogenesis in Kabul


Objective: Infertility is one of most common reproductive disorder occurring in approximately 15% of the couples. Male infertility is Due to different factors can role in causing male infertility. The aim of this research is the evaluation of male infertility according semen analyses in two medical centers (Faiz medical Lab and Mir Ansari Clinic) of Kabul from 2018 to 2019. Materials and Method: A descriptive study was conducted on subject who attendants to Faiz medical lab and Mir Ansari clinic. They were interviewed, through separate questionnaires for everyone, from 2018 to 2019. Date was entered and analysed in SPSS software. Semen samples were collected in sterile tubes and then semen analysis was performed. Result: A total of 300 attendants were interviewed. 292(97%) person were married, 8(2.6%) person were single. From 292 married 66(22.6%) person had child, 226(77.3%) person had not child. 63(21%) person of total were addict to tobacco, 237(79%) were not addict to tobacco. 26 person with history of mumps 6(23%) had normal spermogram, 20(76.9%) were abnormal. 63 person with history of UTI 15(23.8%) had normal spermogram, 48(76.2%) were abnormal. From 213 person who had abnormal spermogram, 73(73%) diagnosed Oligoasthenozooprima, 42(14%) person Asthenozoospermia, 36(12%) person Oligozoospermia, 28(9.3%) person Azoospermia, 15(5%) person prolongliquefection, 15(5%) combination of aforementioned problems, 2(0.6%) person Crptozoospermia, 1(0.3%) person hyperspermia, 1(0.3%) person Teratozoospermia. Conclusion: According these results it is conclude that smoking, Mumps and UTI have direct negative effect on spermatogenesis in Kabul.


human Kabul. Mumps Smoking Spermatogenesis Urogenital

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  • Language & Pages

    English, 45-53

  • Classification

    NLMC Code: WS 320, WJ 834