Influence of Health Information in Promoting Good Nutritional Practices and Behavioural Change Among Pregnant Women in South- West, Nigeria


The study assessed health information and good nutritional practices among pregnant women in Nigeria. One hundred questionnaires were distributed to pregnant women on pre-natal clinics days at Teaching and Government hospitals in Ekiti and Osun States, Nigeria. 90 were found useful. Summation Weighted Average (SWA), frequencies and percentages applied for variable distribution, while data was analysed using SPSS Software and Chi-square test, t-text and spear correlation-test used for the hypotheses. Results showed that ages 26-35 ranked highest (51.1%), 83.3% were married, and mostly in second parity. 55.6% were civil servants and many (62.2%) had tertiar education. Respondents highest income falls between N31, 000 and N40, 000 monthly, while many fall below N10, 000. A significant relationship exists between respondentsƒ?? level of information competence and health status (rcal 0.390 is greater than rtab 0.174); between health information accessibility level and respondents nutritionally choices (rcal 0.338 greater than rtab (0.174) all at 0.05 level of significance. It was revealed that health information awareness and accessibility were inadequate. The study therefore recommended organised talks for pregnant women at community level, media-campaign, seminar/workshops with library playing prominent role should be intensified.


Behavioural Change Health information Health Status. Information Competence Nutritional Choice Pre-natal Clinics Pregnant Women

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 19-30

  • Classification

    FOR Code: 920507