IT Activity of Youth in Multimedia Environment and Verbal Intelligence


The article discusses one of the topical problems of modern education, namely, how IT-activity of students influences their cognitive abilities. The most common types of IT-activity of modern students are communicating in social media, listening music and doing homework. In connection with rapid introduction of IT-technologies into educational process, the problem raises of the effect from IT devices usage on the development of student’s personality in general and his intelligence in particular. The assumption on the lower level of verbal intelligence for active IT users served as the hypothesis of the study. Research held on a sample of technical college students aged 17-23 years revealed that the intensive use of IT-devices in learning process is negatively associated with indicators of verbal intelligence, whereas the communication in social media and computer games do not have a clearly negative impact.


cognitive ability education IT-activity multimedia. verbal intelligence

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

  • Language & Pages

    English, 58-63

  • Classification

    FOR Code: 410303p