Proposed Guidelines for the Fire and Panic Safety Performance Standard for Event and Exhibition Venues within the Framework of Industrie 4.0


This article has sought to propose a new model that, once applied to events and exhibition venues, would create conditions for updating Fire and Panic Safety against the evolutionary process known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industrie 4.0. The evolution of standards addressed by this paper refers to including performance concepts to existing prescriptive standards. Industrie 4.0 presents new tools that have improved performance across public and private administration by reducing operating risks and favoring users of buildings, supervising technical professionals and Fire Department professionals by improving management and inspection. The article shows the difficulties and benefits that have been motivating this global transition in which users are put in the foreground. The paper was focused on buildings designed for public gatherings: sports and exhibition venues. In the course of the study, an interview is held with professionals engaged in the area, stressing the actions they would recommend for resolving or minimizing the safety issues posed to them, thus providing a basis on which to prepare guidelines. At the end, the importance of applying those concepts to Fire and Panic Safety is demonstrated, creating a model that leads to the development of current process that begin at the drafting of designs and extends to obtaining and maintaining the Final Inspection Record from the Fire Department.


fire safety; automation; technical standards; performance; job training; accreditation; maintenance; fire safety systems.

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 1-8

  • Classification

    For Code-290502