Dialectics as a Stage of Thinking Development


This article presents dialectics not only as an object of study, but also as a methodology that needs to consider phenomena in their interrelation and development. Dialectics allow to comprehend the link between thinking and ideas as interaction of proactive and conservative components, justifying the conclusion that the state of public consciousness is determined by the nature of thinking and worldview ideas, the interrelation of which is the driver of development thereof. That said, dialectics are regarded as a new quality of thinking, as a stage of development thereof in interrelation with developing worldview ideas. On the basis of the analysis carried out using dialectics the author comes to the conclusion that the concepts of spiritual and material substances are inextricably interconnected dialectical opposites, and the opposite forms of idealistic and materialistic worldviews have been formed by linear thinking with its inherent logic of opposing and one-sided nature of links. At the stage of opposition of idealism and materialism, dialectics are an achievement of theoretical thinking in the conditions of linear thinking dominance in the public consciousness. The emergence of dialectics, as of a new quality of thinking, was due to the increase of contradictions between the proactivity of thinking and conservatism of idealistic and materialistic ideas. Dialectics are the opposite of the logic of contrast of the linear nature of thinking related to dualistic worldview, and the interrelation thereof as of a thesis and an antithesis takes thinking to a new qualitative level. Comprehension in unity of the spiritual and material substances and of the opposites related thereto: consciousness and matter, mind and reality, subject and object creates a condition for comprehension of the unity of human and nature; however, dialectics, while removing the contrast of the oppositions, do not cover the unity of heterogeneous elements that are not opposites. To comprehend the unity of the world, one needs to introduce  the category of systematic unity and to use a systematic approach. The worldview of the world systematic unity is interrelated with the systematic nature of thinking, a transfer to which is dialectics.


dialectics dualism human and nature idealism materialism opposites public consciousness spiritual and material substances systematic unity. thinking

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    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 7-16

  • Classification

    FOR code: 200406