Driver Drowsiness and Alcohol Detection System using Arduino


Drowsiness in driving causes the major road accidents. Now a day’s drowsiness due to drunken driving is increasing. If driver is found to be drowsiness in eyes more than 5 secs, then the eye blink sensor senses the blink rate. If the eyes are found to be closed, then the speed of the car slows down. In our proposed system, along with drowsiness, alcohol detection is also detected by using alcohol MQ3 sensor. If alcohol is detected in driver’s breathe, then the car slows down. These sensors are interfaced with Arduino UNO.LED glows in case of alcohol detection and buzzer rings in case of drowsiness detection and speed of the car varies on detection of both cases.


Arduino UNO Eyeblink sensor L29 MQ3 sensor

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  • Language & Pages

    English, 19-23

  • Classification

    LCC Code: TK7882.E2