Noise Control using Waste Materials Reinforced Composites


This paper presents a research on the properties of new waste material reinforced composites to absorb sound. The raw materials used to prepare these composite materials are wastes generated from the textile, maize and newspaper wastes. These raw materials were bonded using Poly Vinyl Acetate (PVA) adhesives. The seven samples of different combinations and proportion were prepared with the diameter and thickness of 99.5mm, 100mm respectively. Sound absorbing capacity for these new composites relays on the nature and proportion of the waste used. The sound absorption coefficient for each sample was determined using impedance tube method. The test results indicated that, while the frequency increases then the sound absorption coefficients increases for all the samples. The maximum sound absorption coefficient (0.43) at highest frequency and extreme Noise Reduction Coefficient (0.2875) are found in the sample having 75% maize and 25% textile wastes as reinforcements. This waste material exploitation approach is more cost beneficial and offers an environmental friendly solution to the noise control.


noise control; textile waste; maize waste; paper waste; sound absorption coefficient; noise reduction coefficient.

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 47-54

  • Classification
