A New Formative Perspective to Develop Mentor Teachers Helping Beginner Teachers Based on Reflection and Self Empowered.


The task of training mentors to work with beginning teachers as they enter the system is everyone’s issue. A challenging period on which there is consensus of the need for a formal accompaniment from a more experienced and trained peer. A commitment that for the chilean reality implies a right within what is established by law 20.903 for those who start teaching. In this sense, the School of Pedagogy of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso has developed a model for the training of mentors based on reflection and the novice empowerment. This article focuses on this model from its configuration and structure, showing how to approach the preparation of these mentors. A comprehensive preparation that can influence a better insertion of the novice as well as the educational strengthening.


formative model - mentor - beginning teacher - reflection - identity

  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 47-64

  • Classification

    FOR CODE: 130313p