Using Doctoral Program Learning Module on Developing Leading Students in Educational Policy and Strategic Plan Development in Thailand


Many academics often apply knowledge creation for enriching the efficiency and quality of learning achievements. However, can knowledge creation also be used in low- technology situations such as school-based supervision of students? This paper describes the development and application of the learning module Educational Policy and Strategic Plan Development of Students (ED341306) at Northeastern University, Khon Kean, during the academic year 2020. The results were: 1) The efficiency of the action process in the learning module was 84.76, while the efficiency of knowledge was 83.26, which is higher than the specified criterion of 80/80; 2) the quality of the learning module, in relation to propriety, congruence, feasibility, and utility aspects was at “The Highest” level. 3) the effectiveness index of students was 0.7679; 4) the post-test learning achievement was significantly higher than the pre-test at .01; 5) significant differences occurred between the post-test and the pre-test, indicating that learning retention had been achieved; 6) students’ satisfaction with the learning module was at “The Highest” mean level at.4.92.


Action learning Construction and Development Education Policy Learning Module Strategic Plan

  • Research Identity (RIN)

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  • Language & Pages

    , 79-101

  • Classification

    FOR CODE: 330104