Study of the Qualities of the Indicators to be Included in the Sustainability Information


When in 2018, the legislator established the obligation to prepare the Non-Financial Information Statement (EINF), it revolutionized the way of structuring the contents of the Annual Report. It was the first time that it was legislated, in Spain, the presentation of sustainability information. Our research aims to identify the way to present non-financial information in Spanish listed groups since then, in order to propose improvements in the presentation. The main conclusion is that greater value must be given to sustainability within the organization, not only in the issuance of the EINF, but also in the organizational design.


  • Research Identity (RIN)

  • License

    Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)

  • Language & Pages

    English, 17-42

  • Classification

    LCC code - HD60